Zmiana sposobu prezentacji kanałów w zgodach marketingowych w szablonie Agat

W tym artykule dowiesz się jak zmodyfikować szablon Agat, aby przekształcić obsługę kanałów w zgodach marketingowych na bardziej czytelną. Wyrażanie zgody w przypadku istnienia wielu kanałów będzie wyglądało następująco:

W pierwszej kolejności dodaj odpowiednie tłumaczenia.

  • Id: Consents_InTheFormOf, Tekst: w postaci
Tłumaczenia możesz dodać w panelu administracyjnym, wchodząc na zakładkę Tłumaczenia a następnie klikając w przycisk Dodaj. Po uzupełnieniu pól kliknij w przycisk Dodaj.

W katalogu js znajdź plik init.js. Narzędziem wyszukiwania wyszukaj frazę self.uicheckIfParentChecked. Znaleziona linia znajduje się w obszarze 6 linii kodu (widoczne poniżej), które należy usunąć.

$('body').on('click', '.channel-checkbox', function (e) {
$('body').on('click', '.multiple-choice .input-group > label .switch-input[name=tos]', function (e) {

W głównym katalogu szablonu znajdź plik __loginconsents.liquid. Wyszukaj w nim frazę assign channelsSize. Następnie wyszukaj frazę clickableTOSExists. Kod pomiędzy znalezionymi liniami (włącznie z nimi) należy usunąć a następnie w tym miejscu wkleić poniższy.

{% assign channelsSize = tos.Channels | Size -%}
{% if channelsSize == 0 -%}
<div class="input-group switches">
    {% if tos.Statement %}
    <p class="multiple-switch">{% if tos.Required -%}* {% endif -%}{{ tos.Text }}</p>
    {% else %}
    {% assign clickableTOSExsits = true -%}
    <label class="switch">
        <span class="switch-name summary-tos-switch-name">{% if tos.Required -%}* {% endif -%}{{ tos.Text }}</span>
        <input class="switch-input" type="checkbox" name="tos" value="{{ tos.Id }}" {% if tos.Required -%}
            data-required="req" {% endif -%} />
        <span class="switch-label"></span>
        <span class="switch-handle"></span>
    {% endif -%}
{% elsif channelsSize > 0 -%}
<div class="input-group switches">
    {% assign onlyEmail = false -%}
    {% if channelsSize == 1 and tos.Channels[0].Type == 1 -%}
    {% assign onlyEmail = true -%}
    {% endif -%}
    {% if onlyEmail == false -%}
    <span class="channel-warning tos-warning"><span
            class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></span>{{translations.ChannelWarning}}</span>
    {% endif -%}
    {% for chn in tos.Channels -%}
    <label class="switch channel-switch">
        <span class="switch-name">{{tos.Text | Remove: '.'}} {{translations.Consents_InTheFormOf}} {{chn.Name}}</span>
        <input class="switch-input" type="checkbox" name="tos" value="{{ tos.Id }}" {% if tos.Required -%}
            data-required="req" {% endif -%} />
        {% if onlyEmail == false -%}
        <input class="switch-input channel-checkbox" type="checkbox" name="channelKey" value="{{ chn.Key }}" {% if
            tos.Required -%} data-required="req" {% endif -%} />
        {% else -%}
        <input type="hidden" name="channelKey" value="{{ chn.Key }}" checked />
        <input class="switch-input" type="checkbox" checked />
        {% endif -%}
        <span class="switch-label"></span>
        <span class="switch-handle"></span>
    {% endfor -%}
    {% endif -%}
{% endfor -%}
{% if clickableTOSExists -%}

Kolejne zmiany będą wprowadzone w katalogu partials. Wewnątrz tego katalogu, w katalogu cart znajdź plik delivery-and-payment.html. Wyszukaj w nim frazę assign channelsSize. Następnie wyszukaj frazę required-fields-info. Kod pomiędzy znalezionymi liniami (włącznie z nimi) należy usunąć i w tym miejscu wkleić poniższy.

{% assign channelsSize = tos.Channels | Size -%}
{% if channelsSize == 0 -%}
<li class="{% if tos.Required -%} required-consent{% endif -%}">
    <div class="input-group switches">
        {% if tos.Statement %}
        <p class="multiple-switch">{% if tos.Required -%}* {% endif -%}{{ tos.Text }}</p>
        {% else %}
        <span class="main-consent-warning tos-warning"><span
                class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></span>{{translations.MainConsentWarning}}</span>
        <label class="switch">
            <span class="switch-name summary-tos-switch-name">{% if tos.Required -%}* {% endif -%}{{ tos.Text }}</span>
            <input aria-label="tos" class="switch-input" type="checkbox" name="tos" value="{{ tos.Id }}" {% if
                tos.Required -%} data-required="req" {% endif -%} />
            <span class="switch-label"></span>
            <span class="switch-handle"></span>
        {% endif -%}
{% elsif channelsSize > 0 -%}
<li class="multiple-choice {% if tos.Required -%} required-consent{% endif -%}">
    <div class="input-group switches">
        {% assign onlyEmail = false -%}
        {% if channelsSize == 1 and tos.Channels[0].Type == 1 -%}
        {% assign onlyEmail = true -%}
        {% endif -%}
        {% if onlyEmail == false -%}
        <span class="channel-warning tos-warning"><span
                class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></span>{{translations.ChannelWarning}}</span>
        {% endif -%}
        {% for chn in tos.Channels -%}
        <label class="switch channel-switch ">
            <span class="switch-name">{{tos.Text | ToString | Remove: '.'}} {{translations.Consents_InTheFormOf}}
            <input aria-label="tos" class="switch-input" type="hidden" name="tos" value="{{ tos.Id }}" {% if
                tos.Required -%} data-required="req" {% endif -%} disabled />
            {% if onlyEmail == false -%}
            <input aria-label="channelKey" class="switch-input channel-checkbox" type="checkbox" name="channelKey"
                value="{{ chn.Key }}" {% if tos.Required -%} data-required="req" {% endif -%} />
            {% else -%}
            <input aria-label="channelKey" type="hidden" name="channelKey" value="{{ chn.Key }}" />
            <input aria-label="channelKey" class="switch-input channel-checkbox" type="checkbox" />
            {% endif -%}
            <span class="switch-label"></span>
            <span class="switch-handle"></span>
        {% endfor -%}
{% endif -%}
{% endfor -%}
<div class="input-group required-fields-info">

W katalogu partials/common znajdź plik footer.html. Wyszukaj w nim frazę assign channelsSize. Następnie wyszukaj frazę required-fields-info. Kod pomiędzy znalezionymi liniami (włącznie z nimi) należy usunąć i w tym miejscu wkleić poniższy.

{% assign channelsSize = tos.Channels | Size -%}
{% if channelsSize == 0 -%}
<li class="{% if tos.Required -%} required-consent{% endif -%}">
    <div class="input-group switches">
        {% if tos.Statement %}
        <p class="multiple-switch">{% if tos.Required -%}* {% endif -%}{{ tos.Text }}</p>
        {% else %}
        <span class="main-consent-warning tos-warning"><span
                class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></span>{{translations.MainConsentWarning}}</span>
        <label class="switch">
            <span class="switch-name summary-tos-switch-name">{% if tos.Required -%}* {% endif -%}{{ tos.Text }}</span>
            <input aria-label="tos" class="switch-input" type="checkbox" name="tos" value="{{ tos.Id }}" {% if
                tos.Required -%} data-required="req" {% endif -%} />
            <span class="switch-label"></span>
            <span class="switch-handle"></span>
        {% endif -%}
{% elsif channelsSize > 0 -%}
<li class="multiple-choice {% if tos.Required -%} required-consent{% endif -%}">
    <div class="input-group switches">
        {% if tos.Statement %}
        <p class="multiple-switch">{% if tos.Required -%}* {% endif -%}{{ tos.Text }}</p>
        {% endif -%}
        {% assign onlyEmail = false -%}
        {% if channelsSize == 1 and tos.Channels[0].Type == 1 -%}
        {% assign onlyEmail = true -%}
        {% endif -%}
        {% if onlyEmail == false -%}
        <span class="channel-warning tos-warning"><span
                class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></span>{{translations.ChannelWarning}}</span>
        {% endif -%}
        {% for chn in tos.Channels -%}
        <label class="switch channel-switch ">
            <span class="switch-name">{{tos.Text | ToString | Remove: '.'}} {{translations.Consents_InTheFormOf}}
            <input aria-label="tos" class="switch-input" type="hidden" name="tos" value="{{ tos.Id }}" {% if
                tos.Required -%} data-required="req" {% endif -%} disabled />
            {% if onlyEmail == false -%}
            <input aria-label="cnannelKey" class="switch-input channel-checkbox" type="checkbox" name="channelKey"
                value="{{ chn.Key }}" {% if tos.Required -%} data-required="req" {% endif -%} />
            {% else -%}
            <input aria-label="channelKey" type="hidden" name="channelKey" value="{{ chn.Key }}" />
            <input aria-label="channelKey" class="switch-input channel-checkbox" type="checkbox" />
            {% endif -%}
            <span class="switch-label"></span>
            <span class="switch-handle"></span>
        {% endfor -%}
{% endif -%}
{% endfor -%}
<div class="input-group required-fields-info">

W tym samym katalogu znajdź plik registration-consents.html. Kod w pliku należy usunąć i wkleić poniższy.

    {% for tos in config.TOS.Consents.Registration -%}
        {% assign channelsSize = tos.Channels | Size -%}
        {% if channelsSize == 0 -%}
            <li class="{% if tos.Required -%} required-consent{% endif -%}">
                <div class="input-group switches">
                    {% if tos.Statement %}
                        <p class="multiple-switch">{% if tos.Required -%}* {% endif -%}{{ tos.Text }}</p>
                    {% else %}
                        <span class="main-consent-warning tos-warning"><span class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></span>{{translations.MainConsentWarning}}</span>
                        <label class="switch">
                            <span class="switch-name summary-tos-switch-name">{% if tos.Required -%}* {% endif -%}{{ tos.Text }}</span>
                            <input aria-label="tos" class="switch-input" type="checkbox" name="tos" value="{{ tos.Id }}" {% if tos.Required -%} data-required="req" {% endif -%}/>
                            <span class="switch-label"></span>
                            <span class="switch-handle"></span>
                    {% endif -%}
        {% elsif channelsSize > 0 -%}
            <li class="multiple-choice {% if tos.Required -%} required-consent{% endif -%}">
                <div class="input-group switches">
                    {% assign onlyEmail = false -%}
                    {% if channelsSize == 1 and tos.Channels[0].Type == 1 -%}
                        {% assign onlyEmail = true -%}
                    {% endif -%}
                    {% if onlyEmail == false -%}
                        <span class="channel-warning tos-warning"><span class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></span>{{translations.ChannelWarning}}</span>
                    {% endif -%}
                    {% for chn in tos.Channels -%}
                        <label class="switch channel-switch">
                            <span class="switch-name">{{tos.Text | ToString | Remove: '.'}} {{translations.Consents_InTheFormOf}} {{chn.Name}}</span>
                            <input aria-label="tos" class="switch-input" type="hidden" name="tos" value="{{ tos.Id }}" {% if tos.Required -%} data-required="req" {% endif -%} disabled/>
                            {% if onlyEmail == false -%}
                                <input aria-label="channelKey" class="switch-input channel-checkbox" type="checkbox" name="channelKey" value="{{ chn.Key }}" {% if tos.Required -%} data-required="req" {% endif -%} />
                            {% else -%}
                                <input aria-label="channelKey" type="hidden" name="channelKey" value="{{ chn.Key }}"/>
                                <input aria-label="channelKey" class="switch-input channel-checkbox" type="checkbox"/>
                            {% endif -%}
                            <span class="switch-label"></span>
                            <span class="switch-handle"></span>
                    {% endfor -%}
        {% endif -%}
    {% endfor -%}
<div class="input-group required-fields-info">
    * {{ translations.Com_RequiredFields }}

Ostatnim modyfikowanym plikiem będzie plik customer-consents.html w katalogu customer. Kod w pliku należy usunąć i wkleić poniższy.

{% assign anythingToAccept = false -%}
{% for tos in customerProfile.Consents -%}
    {% if tos.Checked == false or tos.Updated.Text %}
        {% assign anythingToAccept = true -%}
    {% endif -%}
{% endfor %}

{% include 'partials/common/date-format.html' -%}

<div class="all-users-consents">
    <h2 class="main-title">{{ translations.UserConsents }}</h2>
    {% if anythingToAccept == true %}
        <div class="consents-box">
            <span class="box-heading">{{ translations.Com_ToAcceptation }}</span>
                {% for tos in customerProfile.Consents %}
                    {% assign channelsSize = tos.Channels | Size -%}
                    {% assign updatedChannelsSize = tos.Updated.Channels | Size -%}
                    {% assign updatedContentsSize = tos.Updated.Contents | Size -%}
                    {% if tos.Checked == false or tos.Updated.Text %}
                        {% if channelsSize == 0 -%}
                            <li class="{% if tos.Updated.Text %} updated-consent {% endif -%}">
                                {% if tos.Statement -%}
                                    <button aria-label="consentAccept" class="consent-accept" data-id="tos" data-key="{{ tos.Id }}">{{ translations.Com_Accept }}</button>
                                    <p class="statement-consent">{% if tos.Required -%}* {% endif -%}{{ tos.Text }}</p>
                                {% else -%}
                                    {% if tos.Checked == false -%}
                                        <button aria-label="consentAccept" class="consent-accept" data-id="tos" data-key="{{ tos.Id }}">{{ translations.Com_Accept }}</button>
                                    {% elsif tos.Updated.Text and updatedChannelsSize == 0 -%}
                                        <button aria-label="consentAccept" class="consent-accept" data-id="tos" data-key="{{ tos.Id }}">{{ translations.Com_Accept }}</button>
                                        <span class="consent-small-heading">{{ translations.NewConsentContent }}:</span>
                                        <span class="switch-name">{% if tos.Required -%}* {% endif -%}{{ tos.Updated.Text }}</span>
                                        <span class="consent-small-heading old-consent">{{translations.OldConsentContent}}:</span>
                              			<span class="switch-name">{% if tos.Required -%}* {% endif -%}{{ tos.Text }}</span>
                                    {% endif -%}
                                {% endif -%}
                        {% elsif channelsSize > 0 -%}
                            {% for chn in tos.Channels -%}
                                <li class="{% if tos.Updated.Text %} updated-consent {% endif -%}">
                                    {% if tos.Updated.Text and updatedChannelsSize == 0 -%}
                                        <button aria-label="consentAccept" class="consent-accept" data-id="tos" data-key="{{ tos.Id }}">{{ translations.Com_Accept }}</button>
                                        <span class="consent-small-heading">{{ translations.NewConsentContent }}:</span>
                                        <span class="switch-name">{% if tos.Required -%}* {% endif -%}{{ tos.Updated.Text }}</span>
                                        <span class="consent-small-heading old-consent">{{translations.OldConsentContent}}:</span>
                                    {% endif -%}
                                    <span class="multiple-switch">{% if tos.Required -%}* {% endif -%}{{ tos.Text | Remove:'.' }} {{translations.Consents_InTheFormOf}} {{chn.Name}}</span>
                                    {% if chn.Checked %}
                                        <button aria-label="consentWithdraw" class="consent-withdraw" data-id="channelKey" data-key="{{ chn.Key }}">{{ translations.Withdraw }}</button>
                                    {% else %}
                                        <button aria-label="consentAccept" class="consent-accept" data-id="channelKey" data-key="{{ chn.Key }}">{{ translations.Com_Accept }}</button>
                                    {% endif -%}
                            {% endfor -%}
                        {% endif -%}
                    {% endif %}
                {% endfor %}
    {% endif -%}
    <div class="consents-box">
        <span class="box-heading">{{ translations.Com_Accepted }}</span>
            {% for tos in customerProfile.Consents -%}
                {% assign channelsSize = tos.Channels | Size -%}
                {% if tos.Checked %}
                    {% if channelsSize == 0 -%}
                            {% if tos.Required -%}
                                <span class="withdraw-warning">
                                    <span class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></span>
                                    <span>{{ translations.WithdrawWarning }}</span>
                            {% endif -%}
                            {% if tos.Statement-%}
                                <span class="accept-date">{{translations.AcceptationDate}}: {{tos.Date | Date:dateFormat}}</span>
                                <button aria-label="consentWithdraw" class="consent-withdraw" data-id="tos" data-key="{{ tos.Id }}">{{ translations.Withdraw }}</button>
                                <p class="statement-consent">{% if tos.Required -%}* {% endif -%}{{ tos.Text }}</p>
                            {% else %}
                                {% if tos.Checked %}
                                    <span class="accept-date">{{translations.AcceptationDate}}: {{tos.Date | Date:dateFormat}}</span>
                                    <button aria-label="consentWithdraw" class="consent-withdraw" data-id="tos" data-key="{{ tos.Id }}">{{ translations.Withdraw }}</button>
                                {% elsif tos.Checked == false %}
                                    <button aria-label="consentAccept" class="consent-accept" data-id="tos" data-key="{{ tos.Id }}">{{ translations.Com_Accept }}</button>
                                {% endif -%}
                                <span class="multiple-switch">{% if tos.Required -%}* {% endif -%}{{ tos.Text }}</span>
                            {% endif -%}
                    {% elsif channelsSize > 0 -%}
                            {% for chn in tos.Channels -%}
                                {% if tos.Required -%}
                                    <span class="withdraw-warning">
                                        <span class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></span>
                                        <span>{{ translations.WithdrawWarning }}</span>
                                {% endif -%}
                                <span class="multiple-switch">{% if tos.Required -%}* {% endif -%}{{ tos.Text | Remove:'.' }} {{translations.Consents_InTheFormOf}} {{chn.Name}}</span>
                                {% if chn.Checked %}
                                    <span class="accept-date">{{translations.AcceptationDate}}: {{chn.Date | Date:dateFormat}}</span>
                                    <button aria-label="consentWithdraw" class="consent-withdraw" data-id="channelKey" data-key="{{ chn.Key }}">{{ translations.Withdraw }}</button>
                                {% else %}
                                    <button aria-label="consentAccept" class="consent-accept" data-id="channelKey" data-key="{{ chn.Key }}">{{ translations.Com_Accept }}</button>
                                {% endif -%}
                            {% endfor -%}
                    {% endif -%}
                    {% if updatedChannelsSize > 0 -%}
                            {% for chn in tos.Updated.Channels -%}
                                    {% if tos.Updated.Text -%}
                                        <span class="consent-small-heading">{{translations.NewConsentContent}}:</span>
                                        <span class="switch-name">{% if tos.Required -%}* {% endif -%}{{ tos.Updated.Text | Remove:'.' }} {{translations.Consents_InTheFormOf}} {{chn.Name}} }}</span>
                                        <span class="consent-small-heading old-consent">{{ translations.OldConsentContent }}:</span>
                                    {% endif -%}
                                    {% if chn.Checked %}
                                        <button aria-label="consentWithdraw" class="consent-withdraw" data-id="channelKey" data-key="{{ chn.Key }}">{{ translations.Withdraw }}</button>
                                    {% else %}
                                        <button aria-label="consentAccept" class="consent-accept" data-id="channelKey" data-key="{{ chn.Key }}">{{ translations.Com_Accept }}</button>
                                    {% endif -%}
                            {% endfor -%}
                    {% endif -%}
                    {% if updatedContentsSize > 0 -%}
                            {% for contents in tos.Updated.Contents -%}
                                    <span>{{ contents.Name }}</span>
                                    {{ contents.ContentHtml }}
                            {% endfor -%}
                    {% endif -%}
                {% endif -%}
            {% endfor %}

Czy ten artykuł był pomocny?