W tym artykule dowiesz się jak zmodyfikować szablon Topaz, aby umożliwić wyświetlanie rabatów w profilu klienta.
Zakładka Promocje będzie wyświetlać się tylko wtedy, gdy w banerze o nazwie CustomerProfileBanner będzie znajdował się przynajmniej jeden obrazek. W tym celu należy w panelu administracyjnym dodać taki banner. Wejdź w zakładkę Bannery i kliknij w przycisk Dodaj. W polu Nazwa wpisz CustomerProfileBanner. W miejscu Obrazki dodaj odpowiedni obrazek a następnie kliknij w przycisk Zapisz w prawym górnym rogu.
Następnie dodaj odpowiednie tłumaczenia.
- Id: Product, Tekst: Towar
- Id: Category, Tekst: Kategoria
- Id: Quantity, Tekst: Ilość
- Id: Netto, Tekst: Netto
- Id: BundleThreshold, Tekst: Próg pakietowy
- Id: Threshold, Tekst: Próg
- Id: AllProducts, Tekst: Wszystkie produkty
- Id: Back, Tekst: Powrót
- Id: CurrentPromotions, Tekst: Aktualne <b>promocje</b>
- Id: YourDiscounts, Tekst: Twoje <b>rabaty</b>
- Id: ValidTo, Tekst: Ważny do
- Id: ValidLifetime, Tekst: Ważny bezterminowo
- Id: ValidFrom, Tekst: Ważny od
- Id: Promotions, Tekst: Promocje
- Id: ForRegularCustomer, Tekst: Dla stałego klienta
- Id: ForNewCustomer, Tekst: Dla nowego klienta
- Id: NoDiscountsInfo, Tekst: Aktualnie nie mamy rabatów przygotowanych dla Ciebie.
Kolejnym krokiem jest modyfikacja kodu szablonu. W pierwszej kolejności należy dodać zakładkę Promocje w profilu klienta. W plikach szablonu w folderze static-elements/customer-profile znajduje się plik o nazwie customer-profile.html. Narzędziem wyszukiwania wyszukaj w nim frazę inputs-container-js. Nad znalezioną linią powinien znajdować się tag <ul/>. Nad tym tagiem wklej poniższy kod.
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{% if config.Banners['CustomerProfileBanner'].Images[0]-%} <li class="discounts-js" data-template="discounts/discounts"> <span>{{ translations.Promotions }}</span> </li> {% endif -%} |
Następnie należy dodać pliki odpowiedzialne za wyświetlanie promocji po kliknięciu w zakładkę. W folderze partials/customer dodaj folder o nazwie discounts a w nim trzy pliki:
- discount-details.html
- discount-elements.html
- discounts.html
W pliku discount-details.html wklej poniższy kod.
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{% assign discount = customer-profile.DiscountERPDetails -%} {% if discount.Description != '' and discount.Description != null -%} {{discount.Description}} {% endif -%} {% if discount.Thresholds -%} {% for threshold in discount.Thresholds -%} <div class="discounts__narrow-container" > <strong>{{translations.Threshold}}: </strong> {% if threshold.ThresholdType == 1 -%} {{threshold.Threshold | ToPrice}} {{threshold.ThresholdSymbol}} {% else -%} {{threshold.Threshold}} {% endif -%} </div> <div class="discounts__narrow-container"><strong>{{translations.QuantityThreshold}}:</strong> {{threshold.ThresholdMinPositionsCount}}</div> <div class="discounts__elements" > {% include 'partials/customer/discounts/discount-elements.html' with threshold -%} </div> {% endfor -%} {% else -%} <div class="discounts__elements"> {% include 'partials/customer/discounts/discount-elements.html' with discount -%} </div> {% endif -%} <button class="primary-action-button discountsDetailsButton-js">{{translations.Back}}</button> |
W pliku discount-elements.html wklej poniższy kod.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 |
{% assign discount = customer-profile.DiscountERPDetails -%} {% if include -%} {% assign elementsParent = include -%} {% else -%} {% assign elementsParent = discount -%} {% endif -%} {% assign anyGroup = false -%} {% assign anyProduct = false -%} {% assign anyThreshold = false -%} {% assign anyBundleThreshold = false -%} {% assign anyBundleQuantity = false -%} {% assign anyTotalPrice = false -%} {% assign anySubtotalPrice = false -%} {% for element in elementsParent.Elements -%} {% if element.Group != null -%} {% assign anyGroup = true -%} {% endif -%} {% if element.Product != null -%} {% assign anyProduct = true -%} {% endif -%} {% if element.Threshold != null and element.Threshold > 0 -%} {% assign anyThreshold = true -%} {% endif -%} {% if element.BundleThreshold != null and element.BundleThreshold > 0 -%} {% assign anyBundleThreshold = true -%} {% endif -%} {% if element.BundleQuantity != null and element.BundleQuantity > 0 -%} {% assign anyBundleQuantity = true -%} {% endif -%} {% if element.FixedPrice -%} {% assign anyFixedPrice = true -%} {% if element.TotalPrice != null and element.TotalPrice > 0 -%} {% assign anyTotalPrice = true -%} {% endif -%} {% if element.SubtotalPrice != null and element.SubtotalPrice > 0 -%} {% assign anySubtotalPrice = true -%} {% endif -%} {% endif -%} {% endfor -%} <div class="discounts__row discounts__row__header"> <div class="discounts__rowTitle"> {% if anyGroup and anyProduct -%} {{translations.Product}}/{{translations.Category}} {% elseif anyGroup -%} {{translations.Category}} {% else -%} {{translations.Product}} {% endif -%} </div> {% if anyBundleQuantity -%} <div class="discounts__rowTitle"> {{translations.Quantity}} </div> {% endif -%} {% unless anyFixedPrice and anySubtotalPrice == false -%} <div class="discounts__rowTitle"> {% if anyFixedPrice and anySubtotalPrice -%} {{translations.Pro_Price}} {{translations.Netto | Downcase }} {% else -%} {{translations.Crt_Discount}} {% endif -%} </div> {% endunless -%} {% if anyThreshold or anyBundleThreshold or anyTotalPrice -%} <div class="discounts__rowTitle"> {% if anyFixedPrice and anyTotalPrice -%} {{translations.Pro_Price}} {{translations.Com_Brutto | Downcase}} {% elseif anyBundleThreshold -%} {{translations.BundleThreshold}} {% else -%} {{translations.Threshold}} {% endif -%} </div> {% endif -%} </div> {% for element in elementsParent.Elements -%} <div class="discounts__row"> <div class="discounts__cell"> {% if element.Group != null -%} {% if element.Group.Url -%} <a href="{{ element.Group.Url }}"> {% endif -%} {{ element.Group.Name }} {% if element.Group.Url -%} </a> {% endif -%} {% elseif element.Product != null -%} {% if element.Product.Url -%} <a href="{{ element.Product.Url }}"> {% endif -%} {{ element.Product.NameNoHtml }} {% if element.Product.Url -%} </a> {% endif -%} {% else -%} {{ translations.AllProducts }} {% endif -%} </div> {% if anyBundleQuantity -%} <div class="discounts__cell"> {% if element.BundleQuantity > 0 -%} <span class="discounts__mobile"> {{translations.Quantity}} </span> <span> {{ element.BundleQuantity | Normalize }} </span> {% endif -%} </div> {% endif -%} {% unless anyFixedPrice and anySubtotalPrice == false -%} <div class="discounts__cell"> <span class="discounts__mobile"> {% if element.FixedPrice -%} {% if element.SubtotalPrice > 0 -%} {{ translations.Pro_Price | Downcase }} {{ translations.Netto | Downcase }} {% endif -%} {% else -%} {{ translations.Crt_Discount | Downcase }} {% endif -%} </span> <span> {% if element.FixedPrice -%} {% if element.SubtotalPrice > 0 -%} {{ element.SubtotalPrice | ToPrice }} {% endif -%} {% else -%} {% if element.Type == 1 or element.Type == 3 or element.Type == 9 -%} {{ element.Value | ToPrice }} {% else -%} {{ element.Value | Normalize }} {% endif -%} {% endif -%} {{ element.ValueSymbol }} </span> </div> {% endunless -%} {% if anyThreshold or anyBundleThreshold or anyTotalPrice -%} <div class="discounts__cell"> <span class="discounts__mobile"> {% if element.FixedPrice -%} {% if element.TotalPrice > 0 -%} {{ translations.Pro_Price | Downcase }} {{ translations.Com_Brutto | Downcase }} {% endif -%} {% elseif element.BundleThreshold > 0 -%} {{ translations.BundleThreshold | Downcase }} {% elseif element.Threshold > 0 -%} {{ translations.Threshold | Downcase }} {% endif -%} </span> <span> {% if element.FixedPrice -%} {% if element.TotalPrice > 0 -%} {{ element.TotalPrice | ToPrice }} {% endif -%} {{ element.ValueSymbol }} {% elseif element.BundleThreshold > 0 -%} {% if element.Type == 1 or element.Type == 3 or element.Type == 9 -%} {{ element.BundleThreshold | ToPrice }} {% else -%} {{ element.BundleThreshold | Normalize }} {% endif -%} {{ element.BundleThresholdSymbol }} {% elseif element.Threshold > 0 -%} {% if element.Type == 1 or element.Type == 3 or element.Type == 9 -%} {{ element.Threshold | ToPrice }} {% else -%} {{ element.Threshold | Normalize }} {% endif -%} {{ element.ThresholdSymbol }} {% endif -%} </span> </div> {% endif -%} </div> {% endfor -%} |
W pliku discounts.html wklej poniższy kod.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 |
{% assign name = 'CustomerProfileBanner' -%} {% if config.Banners[name] -%} {% assign banner = config.Banners[name] -%} <div class="discounts discountsMainTemplate-js"> <h2 class="discounts__header" >{{translations.CurrentPromotions}}</h2> <div class="customerProfileBanner banner-discounts"> {% assign imagesNumber = banner.Images | Size -%} {% assign images = banner.Images -%} {% for img in images -%} <div class="banner-discounts__wrapper"> <figure class="banner-discounts__image"> <img alt="{{img.Alt | H}}" src="css/img/alo.gif" data-lazy="{{img.Url}}"> </figure> <div class="banner-discounts__info"> {% if img.Heading != '' -%} <p class="banner-discounts__title">{{img.Heading}}</p> {% endif -%} {% if img.Text != '' -%} <p class="banner-discounts__title banner-discounts__title__small">{{img.Text}}</p> {% endif -%} </div> {% if img.Link != '' -%} <a aria-label="check" href="{{img.Link}}" class="primary-action-button" {% if img.TargetBlank == true -%} target="_blank" {% endif -%}> {{translations.Check}} </a> {% endif -%} </div> {% endfor -%} {% if imagesNumber == 0 %} <div class="banner-discounts__wrapper"> <figure class="banner-discounts__image banner-discounts__image_placeholder"> {{'css/img/img-placeholder.jpg' | Img: '', translations.DefaultImage}} </figure> <p class="banner-discounts__size">{% if header3 == true -%} 1118 x 534 {% else -%} 1920x680 {% endif -%}</p> </div> {% endif %} </div> <h2 class="discounts__header" >{{translations.YourDiscounts}}</h2> <div class="discounts__container"> {% assign discountsERP = customer-profile.DiscountsERP -%} {% assign discountString = customer-profile.DiscountQueryGET | H -%} {% assign paginationPageNo = discountsERP.PageNo -%} {% if paginationPageNo == 1 -%} {% assign orderValuesSize = customer-profile.DiscountsEshop.OrderValue | Size -%} {% if orderValuesSize > 0 -%} {% assign anyDiscount = true -%} {% for orderValue in customer-profile.DiscountsEshop.OrderValue -%} <div class="discounts__item"> <div class="discounts__value"> {{ orderValue.Discount | Normalize }} % </div> <div class="discounts__info"> <div class="discounts__name"> {{ orderValue.ValueFrom }} {{ customer.Currency }} - {{ orderValue.ValueTo }} {{ customer.Currency }} </div> <div class="discounts__date"> {% if orderValue.DateTill -%} {{ translations.ValidTo | Downcase }}: {{ orderValue.DateTill | Date:dateFormat }} {% else -%} {{ translations.ValidLifetime | Downcase }} {% endif -%} </div> </div> </div> {% endfor -%} {% endif -%} {% if customer-profile.DiscountsEshop.Regular -%} {% assign anyDiscount = true -%} {% assign regular = customer-profile.DiscountsEshop.Regular -%} <div class="discounts__item"> <div class="discounts__value"> {{ regular.Discount | Normalize }} % </div> <div class="discounts__info"> <div class="discounts__name"> {{ translations.ForRegularCustomer }} </div> <div class="discounts__date"> {% if regular.DateTill -%} {{ translations.ValidTo | Downcase }}: {{ regular.DateTill | Date:dateFormat }} {% else -%} {{ translations.ValidLifetime | Downcase }} {% endif -%} </div> </div> </div> {% endif -%} {% if customer-profile.DiscountsEshop.FirstOrder -%} {% assign anyDiscount = true -%} {% assign firstOrder = customer-profile.DiscountsEshop.FirstOrder -%} <div class="discounts__item"> <div class="discounts__value"> {{ firstOrder.Discount | Normalize }} % </div> <div class="discounts__info"> <div class="discounts__name"> {{translations.ForNewCustomer}} </div> <div class="discounts__date"> {% if firstOrder.DateTill -%} {{ translations.ValidTo | Downcase }}: {{ firstOrder.DateTill | Date:dateFormat }} {% else -%} {{ translations.ValidLifetime | Downcase }} {% endif -%} </div> </div> </div> {% endif -%} {% endif -%} {% if discountsERP.TotalItems > 0 -%} {% assign anyDiscount = true -%} {% for discount in discountsERP.Discounts -%} <div class="discounts__item"> <div class="discounts__value discounts__value__details discountsDetails-js discounts-clickable" data-url="{{ page.Url }}?{{ discountString }}={{ discount.Id }}" data-template="partials/customer/discounts/discount-details.html"> {{ translations.Details }} </div> <div class="discounts__info"> <div class="discounts__name"> {% if discount.Name != null -%} {{ discount.Name }} {% else -%} {{ translations.AllProducts }} {% endif -%} </div> <div class="discounts__date"> {% if discount.DateTill -%} {% if discount.DateFrom -%} <div>{{ translations.ValidFrom | Downcase }}: {{ discount.DateTill | Date:dateFormat }}</div> {% endif -%} {{ translations.ValidTo | Downcase }}: {{ discount.DateTill | Date:dateFormat }} {% else -%} {{ translations.ValidLifetime | Downcase }} {% endif -%} </div> </div> </div> {% endfor -%} </div> {% endif -%} {% endif -%} {% if discountsERP.TotalItems > 10 -%} <nav> {% assign tabName = 'discounts/discounts' -%} {% assign sectionName = 'DiscountsERP' -%} {% include 'partials/customer/profile-pagination.html' -%} </nav> {% endif -%} </div> {% unless anyDiscount -%} {{ translations.NoDiscountsInfo }} {% endunless -%} <div class="discounts discounts__details-container discountsDetailsTemplate-js hidden"> </div> |
Aby dodać odpowiednie style do zakładki z promocjami znajdź folder css/partials/customer i dodaj w nim folder o nazwie discounts a w nim plik o nazwie discounts-g.css. Do tego pliku wklej poniższy kod.
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.banner-discounts{margin:0 auto;background-color:#f2f2f2;height:auto}.banner-discounts__list{width:100%;height:100%}.banner-discounts__wrapper{width:100%;display:flex;justify-content:center;padding:0;margin:0;box-sizing:border-box;position:relative}.banner-discounts a{position:absolute;bottom:8%;left:10%;text-decoration:none;width:230px;box-sizing:border-box;padding:16px}.banner-discounts figure{margin:0}.banner-discounts__image img{box-sizing:border-box;padding:0;margin:0;object-fit:cover;min-height:170px;max-width:100%;width:100%;object-position:50% 50%}.banner-discounts__image img[src="css/img/alo.gif"]{width:100%!important;height:100%!important}.banner-discounts__image_placeholder img{object-fit:contain;background-color:#f2f2f2;max-height:680px}.banner-discounts__info{position:absolute;left:10%;bottom:33%;width:80%}.banner-discounts__title{margin:0;padding:0;font-weight:300;color:{{settings.bannerFontColor}};display:block;font-size:48px}.banner-discounts__title.banner-discounts__title__small{line-height:1.5;font-size:14px;margin-top:10px}.banner-discounts__text{color:{{settings.bannerFontColor}};margin:.8rem 0 0;padding:0}.banner-discounts__size{position:absolute;font-size:30px;color:gray;text-align:center;top:50%;left:50%;transform:translate(-50%,-50%);margin:0}.banner-discounts .slick-track{height:100%}.banner-discounts .slick-arrow{background-color:{{settings.sliderBgColor}};padding:20px}.banner-discounts .slick-arrow:hover{background-color:{{settings.sliderHoverBgColor}}}.banner-discounts .slick-arrow:before{color:#fff;position:absolute;right:0;left:10px;top:47%;transform:translateY(-50%);font-size:20px}@media only screen and (max-width:599px){.banner-discounts .slick-arrow:before{font-size:15px}}.banner-discounts .slick-prev,.banner-discounts .slick-next{font-size:0;line-height:0;position:absolute;top:51%;display:block;width:30px;height:155px;padding:0;-webkit-transform:translate(0,-50%);-ms-transform:translate(0,-50%);transform:translate(0,-50%);cursor:pointer;border:none;outline:none;background-color:{{settings.sliderBgColor}};opacity:.6;z-index:8}.banner-discounts .slick-prev :hover,.banner-discounts .slick-next :hover{background-color:{{settings.sliderHoverBgColor}}}.banner-discounts .slick-list{padding:0!important;height:100%}.banner-discounts .slick-prev:hover,.banner-discounts .slick-next:hover{outline:none}.banner-discounts .slick-prev.slick-disabled:before,.banner-discounts .slick-next.slick-disabled:before,.banner-discounts .slick-prev.slick-disabled,.banner-discounts .slick-next.slick-disabled{outline:none;display:none}.banner-discounts .slick-prev:before,.banner-discounts .slick-next:before{color:{{settings.sliderArrowColor}};fill:{{settings.sliderArrowColor}};opacity:.8}.banner-discounts .slick-prev{left:0;border-radius:0 25px 25px 0}.banner-discounts [dir='rtl'] .slick-prev{right:0;left:auto}.banner-discounts .slick-next{right:0;border-radius:25px 0 0 25px}.banner-discounts .slick-arrow.slick-next:before{left:3px}.banner-discounts [dir='rtl'] .slick-next:before,.banner-discounts .slick-prev:before{border:solid{{settings.sliderArrowColor}};border-width:0 1px 1px 0;display:inline-block;padding:3px;transform:rotate(135deg);-webkit-transform:rotate(135deg)}.banner-discounts .slick-next:before,.banner-discounts [dir='rtl'] .slick-prev:before{border:solid{{settings.sliderArrowColor}};border-width:0 1px 1px 0;display:inline-block;padding:3px;transform:rotate(-45deg);-webkit-transform:rotate(-45deg)}.banner-discounts .slick-prev:before,.banner-discounts .slick-next:before{width:4px;height:4px;content:" "}.banner-discounts [dir='rtl'] .slick-next{right:auto;left:0}.banner-discounts [dir='rtl'] .slick-next:before,.banner-discounts .slick-prev:before,.banner-discounts .slick-next:before,.banner-discounts [dir='rtl'] .slick-prev:before{width:10px;height:10px}.banner-discounts .slick-arrow:hover:before{border-color:{{settings.sliderHoverArrowColor}}}@media screen and (max-width:480px){.banner-discounts .banner-discounts__info{bottom:55%}.banner-discounts .banner-discounts__title{font-size:20px}}.headerSection__bannerBg{width:100%;height:fit-content;background-color:{{settings.headerBgColor}}!important;margin-top:0!important}.headerSection__banner{display:block;width:100%;margin:0 auto;height:fit-content;max-width:1400px;margin:0 auto;box-sizing:border-box;flex-direction:column;justify-content:space-between;position:relative;background-color:{{settings.headerBgColor}}}.headerSection__banner .banner-discounts{background-color:{{settings.headerBgColor}}!important}.headerSection__banner .banner-discounts__wrapper{height:fit-content;width:79.9%!important;float:right;margin-left:auto;margin-right:0}.headerSection__banner .banner-discounts__image_placeholder img{max-height:534px!important}@media screen and (max-width:1600px){.headerSection__banner{padding-left:3%;padding-right:3%}}.banner-discounts__title{font-size:28px}.banner-discounts__title.banner-discounts__title__small{font-size:13px}.banner-discounts__info{bottom:unset;top:80px}@media screen and (max-width:480px){.banner-discounts__image{width:100%;object-fit:cover;object-position:center}}@media screen and (max-width:1390px){.headerSection__banner .banner-discounts__wrapper{width:100%!important}}@media screen and (max-width:1390px){.headerSection__banner .banner-discounts__wrapper{width:100%!important}}.discounts__header{padding:20px 0;font-weight:400}.discounts__container{margin-bottom:30px;display:flex;flex-wrap:wrap}.discounts__item{width:40%;padding:20px 20px 0 0;margin-right:60px;display:flex;height:80px}.discounts__name{text-transform:uppercase;overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;text-overflow:ellipsis}.discounts__info{padding:7px;font-size:15px;width:calc(100% - 100px - 60px)}.discounts__date{color:#959494;padding-top:5px}.discounts__value{margin-right:10px;width:100px;max-height:50px;padding:20px 10px 0 10px;text-align:center;color:{{settings.primaryBtnFontColor}};border:2px solid{{settings.primaryBtnBorderColor}};background-color:{{settings.primaryBtnBgColor}};font-size:20px}.discounts__value.discounts-clickable{cursor:pointer}.discounts__value.discounts-clickable:hover{background-color:{{settings.primaryBtnHoverBgColor}};border:2px solid{{settings.primaryBtnHoverBorderColor}};color:{{settings.primaryBtnHoverFontColor}}}.discounts__value__details{font-size:17px}.discounts__row{display:flex;flex-direction:row;flex-wrap:nowrap;justify-content:space-between;padding-bottom:5px;border-bottom:1px solid #f2f2f2;margin-bottom:5px;font-size:13px;font-weight:300;align-items:center}.discounts__row:last-of-type{border-bottom:none;margin-bottom:20px}.discounts__rowTitle{font-size:15px;text-align:left;font-weight:400}.discounts__rowTitle:first-child{width:35%}.discounts__cell:first-child{width:35%}@media (min-width:767px){.discounts__mobile{display:none}}@media screen and (max-width:1200px){.discounts__header{text-align:center}.discounts__item{width:90%;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto}}@media screen and (max-width:767px){.discounts__row{flex-wrap:wrap}.discounts__row__header{display:none}.discounts__rowTitle{width:auto!important}.discounts__cell{padding-right:20px;padding-top:10px;width:auto!important}.discounts__details-container{padding:20px}}@media only screen and (max-width:480px){.discounts__item{width:90%;padding:20px 0 20px 0;height:70px}.discounts__value{width:100px;font-size:17px}.discounts__info{padding:5px;font-size:14px}.discounts__date{padding-top:5px}} |
Ostatnim krokiem jest dodanie kodu JavaScript. Znajdź plik layout1.js i na końcu pliku wklej poniższy kod.
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function customerProfileBannerSlick() { $(".customerProfileBanner").not('.slick-initialized').slick({ lazyLoad: 'progressive', infinite: true, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, draggable: false, autoplay: true, autoplaySpeed: 8000 }); } $('li.discounts-js').on('click', function(e) { $(function() { var checkDiv = setInterval(function(){ if($('.customerProfileBanner').length > 0) { customerProfileBannerSlick(); } }, 100); }); }); $('body').on('click', '.discountsDetails-js', function(e) { $('.discountsDetailsTemplate-js').removeClass('hidden'); $('.discountsMainTemplate-js').addClass('hidden'); window.scroll(top); var discountDetailsUrl = $(e.currentTarget).data('url'); var discountDetailsTemplate = $(e.currentTarget).data('template'); var content = $('.discountsDetailsTemplate-js'); $.get(discountDetailsUrl, { __collection:'customer-profile.DiscountERPDetails', __template:discountDetailsTemplate }, function(result){ if(result && result.collection && result.template){ content.html(result.template); } }); }); $('body').on('click', '.discountsDetailsButton-js', function(e) { $('.discountsDetailsTemplate-js').addClass('hidden'); $('.discountsMainTemplate-js').removeClass('hidden'); }); |