Dodawanie zgód do płatności online w szablonach
W tym artykule dowiesz się, jak dodać zgody do swoich płatności online.
1. Bursztyn lub Opal
W pliku order/thank-you.html wyszukaj frazę Fields. Będzie to fragment takiej pętli:
0 1 2 3 4 |
{% for f in cart.PlacedOrder.ExternalPayment.Fields -%} <input name="{{f.Name}}" type="hidden" value="{{f.Value}}" /> {% endfor -%} |
Pod nią wklej poniższy kod:
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<div class="switch"> {% for c in cart.PlacedOrder.ExternalPayment.Consents -%} <div class="single-tos"> {% if c.Statement -%} <input name="{{c.FieldName}}" type="hidden" value="{{c.FieldValue}}" /> <label class="statement tos-name">{{c.Text}}</label> {% else -%} <div class="tos-switch"> <input id="tos_{{forloop.index0}}" name="{{c.FieldName}}" required="" type="checkbox" value="{{c.FieldValue}}" /> <div class="input-switch tos-switch"> <div class="switch-button"></div> </div> <label for="tos_{{forloop.index0}}">{% if c.Required -%}*{% endif -%} {{c.Text}}</label> </div> {% endif -%} </div> {% endfor %} </div> |
2. Szafir
W pliku order/thx.html wyszukaj frazę Fields. Będzie to fragment takiej pętli:
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{% for field in order.PlacedOrder.ExternalPayment.Fields -%} <input name="{{ field.Name }}" type="hidden" value="{{ field.Value }}" /> {% endfor -%} |
Pod nią wklej poniższy kod:
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{% for consent in order.PlacedOrder.ExternalPayment.Consents -%} <div class="tos-container-lq {% if consent.Statement -%} statement-ui statement-lq {% endif -%}"> {% if consent.Statement -%} <input name="{{ consent.FieldName }}" type="hidden" value="{{ consent.FieldValue }}" /> <div class="in-external-payment-ui">{{ consent.Text }}</div> {% else -%} <label class="checkbox-ui in-external-payment-ui tos-lq"> <input name="{{ consent.FieldName }}" required="" type="checkbox" value="{{ consent.FieldValue }}" /> <span class="label-ui">{% if consent.Required -%}<span class="required-ui">*</span> {% endif -%}{{ consent.Text }}</span> {% if consent.Required -%} <span class="error-ui validation-info-lq validation-required-lq hidden-lq">{{ translations.RequiredField }}</span> {% endif -%} </label> {% endif -%} </div> {% endfor -%} |
W pliku scss/globals/_globals2.scss na samym końcu wklej poniższy fragment kodu:
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.order-ui .in-external-payment-ui{ padding-bottom: 0; margin: 20px 0; } |
Następnie taki plik należy zapisać zminifikować.
W pliku partials/cart/summary.html wyszukaj frazę online-payment-step. Jest to klasa elementu form, do którego należy dodać atrybut data-tos-invalid=”{{translations.TosRequired}}” tak, aby ostatecznie wyglądał jak kod poniżej:
Pozostając dalej w tym samym pliku (partials/cart/summary.html) wyszukaj frazę Fields. Będzie to fragment takiej pętli:
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{% for f in cart.PlacedOrder.ExternalPayment.Fields -%} <input name="{{f.Name}}" type="hidden" value="{{f.Value}}" /> {% endfor -%} Pod nią wklej poniższy kod: <ul class="online-payment-consents"> <li style="list-style-type: none;"> <ul class="online-payment-consents">{% for consent in cart.PlacedOrder.ExternalPayment.Consents -%} <li class="required-consent"> <div class="input-group switches"> {% if consent.Statement %} <input name="{{ consent.FieldName }}" type="hidden" value="{{ consent.FieldValue }}" /> <p class="multiple-switch">{{ consent.Text }}</p> {% else %} <span class="main-consent-warning tos-warning">{{translations.MainConsentWarning}}</span> <label class="switch"> <span class="switch-name summary-tos-switch-name">{% if consent.Required -%}* {% endif -%}{{ consent.Text }}</span> <input class="switch-input" name="{{ consent.FieldName }}" required="" type="checkbox" value="{{ consent.FieldValue }}" data-required="req" /> </label> {% endif -%} </div> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> {% endfor %} |
Na końcu pliku js/order.js wklej ten kod:
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$('body').on('click', '.external-payment-lq', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var validate = application.uiValidateForm($('.online-payment-step')); if (validate) { $('.online-payment-step').submit(); } }); |
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$('#main-section').find('.online-payment-step .switch-name').each(function () { var width = $('.online-payment-info').width(); $('.online-payment-consents').css('width', width); $(this).css('width', width - 65); }); |
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.online-payment-consents{ display: inline-block; list-style-type: none; padding: 0; text-align: left; .switches:after{ content: ''; display: block; clear: both; } } |